Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Accounting Procedure for Valuation of Goodwill (4 Methods)

The valuation of goodwill depends upon assumptions made by the valuer. Methods to be adopted in valuation of goodwill would depend on circumstances of each case and is often based on the customs of the trade.

The various methods that can be adopted for valuation of goodwill are follows:

1. Average Profit Method

2. Super Profit Method

3. Capitalization Method

4. Annuity Method.

Average Profit Method

Goodwill = Future maintainable profit after tax x No. of years purchase

The first step under this method is the calculation of average profit based on past few years’ profit. Past profit are adjusted in respect of any abnormal items of profit or loss which may affect future profit. Average profit may be based on simple average or weighted average.

If profits are constant, equal weight-age may be given in calculating the average profits i.e., simple average may be calculated. However, if the trend shows increasing or decreasing profit, it is necessary to give more weight-age to the profits of recent years.

Number of year’s purchase:

After calculating future maintainable average profits, the next step is to determine the number of years’ purchase. The number of years of purchase is determined with reference to the probability of new business to catch up with an existing business. It will differ from industry to industry and from firm to firm. Normally the number of years ranges between 3 to 5.

Steps Involved under Average Profits Method: 

(i) Calculate past profits before tax.

(ii) Calculate future-maintainable profit before tax after making past adjustments.

(iii) Calculate Average Past adjusted Profits (taking simple average or weighted average as applicable).

(iv) Multiply Future Maintainable Profits by number of years’ purchase.   Value of Goodwill = Future Maintainable Profits x No. of years’ purchase.

Illustration 1:

X Ltd. agreed to purchase business of a sole trader. For that purpose, goodwill is to be valued at 3 years’ purchase of average profits of last 5 years.

Illustration 2:

Y Ltd. proposed to purchase business carried on by Mr. A. Goodwill for this purpose is agreed to be valued at 3 year’s purchase of the weighted average profits of the past four years.

The profit for these years and respective weights to be assigned are as follows:

On a scrutiny of the accounts, the following matters are revealed:

(a) On 1st September, 2012 a major repair was made in respect of plant incurring Rs. 6,000 which was charged to revenue, the said sum is agreed to be capitalized for goodwill calculation subject to adjustment of depreciation of 10% p.a. on reducing balance method.

(b) The closing stock for the year 2011 was over valued by Rs. 2,400; and

(c) To cover management cost an annual charge of Rs. 4,000 should be made for the purpose of goodwill valuation.


Compute the value of goodwill of the firm.


Before calculating goodwill, it is necessary to compute adjusted profit on the basis of information given.

2. Super Profit Method:

Super profit is the excess of estimated future maintainable profits over normal profits. An enterprise may possess some advantages which enable it to earn extra profits over and above the normal profit that would be earned if the capital of the business was invested in some other business with similar risks. The goodwill under this method is ascertained by multiplying the super profits by certain number of year’s purchase.

Steps Involved in Calculating Goodwill under Super Profit Method:

Step 1: Calculate capital employed (it is the aggregate of Shareholders’ equity and long term debt or fixed assets and net current assets).

Step 2: Calculate Normal Profits by multiplying capital employed with normal rate of return.

Step 3: Calculate average maintainable profit.

Step 4: Calculate Super Profit as follows:

Super Profit = Average maintainable profits – Normal Profits.

Step 5: Calculate goodwill by multiplying super profit by number of year’s purchase.

Illustration 3:

From the following information calculate the value of goodwill on the basis of 3 years purchase of super profits of the business calculated on the average profit of the last four years (simple average and weighted average):

(i) Capital employed – Rs. 50,000

(ii) Trading profit (after tax):

2010 Rs. 12,200;

2011 Rs. 15,000;

2012 Rs. 2,000 (loss); and

2013 Rs. 21,000

(iii) Rate of interest expected from capital having regard to the risk involved is 10%.

(iv) Remuneration from alternative employment of the proprietor (if not engaged in business) Rs. 3,600 p.a.

3. Capitalization Method:

Goodwill under this method can be calculated by capitalizing average normal profit or capitalizing super profits.

(i) Capitalisation of Average Profit Method:

Under this method goodwill is ascertained by deducting Actual Capital Employed (i.e., Net Assets as on the valuation date) from the capitalised value of the average profits on the basis of normal rate of Return (also known as value of the firm or capitalised value of business)

Goodwill = Capitalised Value – Net Assets of Business

Steps involved in calculating goodwill as per capitalisation of Average Profits Method:

Step 1: Calculate Average future maintainable profits

Step 2: Calculate Capitalised value of business on the basis of Average Profits

Step 3: Calculate the value of Net Assets on the valuation date

Net Assets = All Assets (other than goodwill, fictitious assets and non-trade investments) at their current values – Outsider’s Liabilities

Step 4: Calculate Goodwill

Goodwill = Capitalised Value – Net assets of business.

Illustration 5:

From the following calculate the value of goodwill according to capitalisation of Average Profits Method:

(ii) Capitalisation of Super Profit Method:

The goodwill under this method is ascertained by capitalizing the super profits on the basis of normal rate of return. This method assesses the capital needed for earning the super profit.

The value of goodwill is computed as follows:

Illustration 6:

Balance Sheet of X Ltd. on 31st March, 2013 was as under:

4. Annuity Method:

Under this method, goodwill is calculated by taking average super profit as the value of an annuity over a certain number of years. The present value of this annuity is computed by discounting at the given rate of interest (normal rate of return). This discounted present value of the annuity is the value of goodwill. The value of annuity for Rupee 1 can be known by reference to the annuity tables.

If the value of annuity is not given, it can be calculated with the help of following formula:

Illustration 7:

The net profit of a company after providing for taxation for the past five years is:

The net tangible assets in the business are Rs. 4, 00,000 on which the normal rate of return is expected to be 10%. It is also expected that the company will be able to maintain its super profits for next five years. Calculate the value of goodwill of the business on the basis of an annuity of super profits, taking present value of an annuity of Rs. 1 for five years at 10% interest is Rs. 3.78.

Sunday, April 11, 2021

Lump sum vs. SIP is a meaningless comparison

              Lump sum vs. SIP

‘Which is better? Another school of thought believes in creating a lump sum and waiting for market dips instead of a SIP. The trouble with this approach is that, one may have to wait for months and months for an investment opportunity to show up. The bigger problem is how the opportunity is defined.

 A lump sum investment or a SIP investment?’, is a question I am asked  often (comments, meetings, emails, questions during investors workshops etc.).

Here is why I think such a comparison is meaningless because it originates in a lack of understanding of how a SIP works.

This argument can and should be dismissed in seconds:
  • If I have a lump sum now, which I can afford to invest for 10+ years, then the prudent thing to do is to get rid of it as soon as possible (if not instantly, over a duration much lesser than 10Y – a few weeks, or a couple of months at best)
  • If I don’t have a lump sum now, why am I even asking this question!
To understand why it makes sense to invest the lump sum as quickly as possible, we will need to understand how a SIP works.
Suppose we start a monthly SIP of Rs. 10000 for 10 years. That is 120 installments.

A SIP as we all know averages the point of investment. Sometimes we invest when the NAV is high and sometimes low.  ‘Experts’ will tell you that this is better than timing the market.

What those experts fail to point out (for obvious reasons) is that a SIP does not minimize the risk of your entire investment. It only minimizes the risk associated with the next installment.

After one year,  the total amount invested is 12 times the next installment in a monthly SIP. The market value associated with 12 x 10000 = 120,000 is exposed to the full volatility of the stock market. There is no averaging here.

Therefore, After one year, your investment will constitute of a lump sum investment of 120000 + the next sip installment of 10000 After  5 years,
your investment will constitute of a lump sum investment of 600,000 + the next sip installment of 10000

Get the idea?
Suppose you have 600,000 to invest now, after 5 years, it will have the same level of risk as a Rs. 10000 monthly SIP started at the same time.

There is no benefit in splitting the 600,000 into say, six 100,000 monthly investments via SIP/STP. A couple of years later, the entire lump sum will be subject to market risks.

What is a STP? A STP or a systematic transfer plan is an instrument by which the  AMC locks your lump sum in their funds.  Like the SIP.

If your duration is long enough, there is no point in a STP. If your duration is short, why are you thinking of investing lump sums in equity funds?

If you wish to invest in debt funds, there is no need for a STP again, you can invest in one-shot.

If you are scared of investing in one-shot, let the money lie in your bank SB account for a weeks. No big deal. Invest once each week, and get rid of it within a few weeks. Beyond that, it is a waste of time.

Findings for Lump sum vs. STP
  • Both lump sum and STP modes have similar probability of loss irrespective of duration
  • The chance of STP doing better than lump sum mode is only 25-35% for all duration's.
STP is more a psychological tool.
Another school of thought believes in creating a lump sum and waiting for market dips instead of a SIP. The trouble with this approach is that, one may have to wait for months and months for an investment opportunity to show up. The bigger problem is how the opportunity is defined.

Call me for detailed discussion and information about schemes for achieving such future values.

Ritesh Sheth
Chartered Wealth manager CWM®

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Tuesday, April 6, 2021

What is Alpha, Beta And Correlation (ABC) of a mutual fund Schemes

Whether you’ve managed your investments well into traditional PPF,NSC,Fixed Deposits or just got a Few Mutual Fund's a couple of years ago, it’s always wise to get back to the basics and refresh yourself on some of the most critical components of successful investing. In particular for Mutual Funds, As per my understanding  there are three metrics you must be mindful of to win at investing in Mutual Funds. Unfortunately even many of the pros forget what I call the ABCs of Mutual Fund investing (at their own peril), so refocus your Mutual Fund investment strategy in this volatile market with these simple yet profound reminders:

(A) Alpha - Investopedia defines Alpha as: “A measure of performance on a risk-adjusted basis. Alpha takes the volatility (price risk) of a mutual fund and compares its risk-adjusted performance to a benchmark index. The excess return of the fund relative to the return of the benchmark index is a fund’s alpha.”
My plain English definition: Alpha tells you if the investment manager is worth what you pay him. Alpha tells you how well a mutual fund or similar investment performs compared to the stated benchmark it’s trying to beat. 
If a funds benchmark is the Nifty index and the index returned 20% while the fund returned 22%, then the fund will have a positive Alpha (obviously positive Alpha is good, negative Alpha is bad). Compare the Alpha over longer time periods in order to understand what value the manager brings to the table versus the index he is trying to beat.

(B) Beta - Investopedia defines Beta as: “A measure of the volatility, or systematic risk, of a security or a portfolio in comparison to the market as a whole. Beta is used in the capital asset pricing model (CAPM), a model that calculates the expected return of an asset based on its beta and expected market returns. Beta is calculated using regression analysis, and you can think of beta as the tendency of a security’s returns to respond to swings in the market.
My plain English definition: Beta is an expression of how volatile an investment is compared to the overall market. A beta of 1 indicates that the investment will move with the market. A beta of less than 1 means that the investment will be less volatile than the market. For example, if a Fund’s beta is 1.3, then theoretically it’s 30% more volatile than the broad market.

(C) Correlation - Investopedia defines correlation as: “…what is known as the correlation coefficient, which ranges between -1 and +1. Perfect positive correlation (a correlation co-efficient of +1) implies that as one security moves, either up or down, the other security will move in lockstep, in the same direction. Alternatively, perfect negative correlation means that if one security moves in either direction the security that is perfectly negatively correlated will move in the opposite direction. If the correlation is 0, the movements of the securities are said to have no correlation; they are completely random.”
My plain English definition: Correlation simply describes how two things are similar or dissimilar to each other. Specifically, how two investments move in relation to each other, how tightly they are linked or opposed. Correlation between historically dissimilar investments (think stocks and bonds) is never static, it’s not uncommon for the correlation of investments to change, especially during volatile or crashing markets. 

In fact, seemingly the only thing that goes up in a down market is in fact correlation. I use correlation measurements in advanced portfolio management to better manage risk. 

To me, higher correlation theoretically means higher risk to the bottom line. The higher the correlation of your investments the higher of the “doubling-down” effect you get, in other word's you have a greater opportunity for gains or financial ruin. One particular ripe investment class for high correlation are mutual funds because both bond funds AND Equity funds trade on the market, thu's your bond funds become more correlated with Equity funds during volatile markets.

Many investors tend to focus exclusively on investment return, with little concern for investment risk. Risk measures we have just discussed can provide some balance to the risk-return equation. 

As useful as these measurements are, keep in mind that when considering a stock, bond or mutual fund investment, volatility risk is just one of the factors you should be considering that can affect the quality of an investment.

Ritesh.Sheth CWM®

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Disclaimer:This blog is addressed to and intended for the investors of Ritesh Sheth & Tejas Consultancy only. You are advised to contact Ritesh Sheth & Tejas Consultancy to clarify any issue that you may have with regards to any information contained in this emailer. The views are personal. Ritesh Sheth & Family or Tejas Consultancy does not guarantee the accuracy, adequacy or completeness of any information in this blog and is not responsible for any errors or omissions or for results obtained from the use of such information. Investopedia definitions are used for educational purpose. Ritesh Sheth & Family or Tejas Consultancy does not have any liability to any person on account of the use of information provided herein and the said information is provided on a best effort basis only for educating investor. In case of investments in any of our schemes, please read the offer documents carefully before investing. 

Over Rs 1 crore! This mutual fund SIP trick will help you double your maturity amount - here is calculation

While making any investment, an investor's major goal is to become rich as soon as possible. Some of them do achieve their investment goal with the available limited investment tools.

"Successful investors don't do different things, but they do things differently."

Let's take mutual fund investments. A person who is in the nascent phase of career generally chooses a systematic investment plan (SIP), which is one of the most popular parts of mutual fund investment. According to my experience over last 30 years, a mutual fund investment will give at least 10 to 12 per cent return if the investment is for long-term. 

However, I am with opinion that after one begins an SIP, one should think of increasing the SIP amount annually in sync with one's salary hike. It will help him or her maximise returns.

Speaking on the mutual fund SIP investments, "Mutual Fund is subject to market risk and one should have the appetite to take risk."

In the long-term Equity market linked mutual fund sip will give at least 12 per cent return but when I say long-term, then it should be an investment for not less then 15 years."

let's assume that we starts a mutual fund SIP of Rs 6,000 for 25 years and return for the same period is 12 per cent. Then as per the mutual fund calculator,  future estimated amount will be Rs 1,13,85,811.

However, we should increase SIP amount annually as salary or income grows. In that case it will be able to maximise money's worth.

Let's see how mutual funds SIP step-up plan will impact future estimated amount after 25 years if the same Rs 6,000 SIP is increased 10 per cent per annum. As per the mutual fund calculator, future estimated amount after 25 years at 12 per cent returns will be Rs 2,36,92,246.
Out of these Rs Rs 2,36,92,246 
future estimated amount, net investment will be Rs 70,80,988 and rest Rs 1,66,11,258 is gain earned throughout the investment period of 25 years.

So, this 10 per cent step up in the Mutual Funds SIP will jump from Rs 1,13,85,811 to Rs 2,36,92,246, which is more than double from the normal mutual funds SIP investment.

Call me for detailed discussion and information about schemes for achieving such future values.

Ritesh Sheth
Chartered Wealth manager CWM®

Thursday, December 10, 2020

Gold vs Equity

Gold vs Equity

If you hear any Investment expert he will always say Gold is not a true investment asset, Its an alternate asset, best hedge against uncertainty, one should not have allocation more than 5% to 8% of his total portfolio etc etc. About equity it is said, it is the best growth asset, will give you best return in long term, maximum allocation should be in equity etc etc.

All textbook theories do not work in today’s practical world which is becoming impure day by day. How long we will live, talk and believe in old concepts. Why not examine the things in realities of today life. Equity in textbook and in theory is same everywhere but the risk has increased more in India than many developed countries. 

When I look at almost 100 years of gold price movement the maximum fall has been from 1962 to 1964 and then rise again ,1997 to 1998 and then rise again, There has been some more occasions where there has been year to year fall in price but marginal but that has risen quickly back to same old level. Only these are the two periods where it took sone 3-5 years to reach back same old price level. When I compare same with Equity (Sensex movement), year to year variability has been much more. The best of the companies index has been more volatile than Gold. In very long term Sensex might have given higher return that Gold but the same can not be said now in long term (10 years period).
My concern is not past but future now. Risk in Equity is increasing manifold times vis a vis Gold. The way integrity of Promoters and Management of many companies under doubt, the way Banks yet to learn lesson on proper due diligence on Corporate loans and above all the increasing number of corrupt politicians and their nexus with corrupt promoters clearly being visible I feel risk in equity is increasing. Text book and theoreticians will only talk of economic risk, business risk and market risk. Where some one is talking of integrity risk? This is the biggest risk. Facts and figures are being manipulated to portray as business and market risk. A profit-making company suddenly default where even the best of auditors have been found to have manipulated the financial statements of the company. The law is so weak that from a naked eye one can see company net-worth has depleted but at the same time promoter personal wealth has grown manifold times. Hire the most expensive lawyer, drag the case for decades in court and live king size life is the mantra what many default promoters are following. With universe of quality company reducing choice risk is increasing.

When I look at Gold there is no such risk as above. Today one has range of products to invest in. From Gold ETF, Gold Fund to Sovereign Gold Bond to Physical Gold to Gold saving schemes. The biggest risk is always of purity but now that is also resolved in whatever way you go. Physical gold is now duly certified one. Investment through financial route takes care of theft, storage etc. With respect to volatility or negative return Gold is less volatile and more stable than Equity. Gold has given stable to good return in mid to long term. Yes, may be if 15, 20 years and above period Equity has given better return but can that be said same going forward? Let’s look at the other risk aspects of Gold more from demand vs supply aspect. Demand has been growing considering existing customary norms (marriage, festivals, gifts etc) catalysed by growing population and their increasing personal income. On supply side it has not been supplemented by discovery of many new Gold mines. So growth in Demand exceeds growth in supply. Based on simple economics principle prices of Gold will have normal growth. It’s the uncertainty factor or flight for safety sentiment factor that accelerates the normal growth in short term ( as seen last 2 years ) which gets corrected later on. So stable return is what one has found in gold in mid to long term.

One reason as to why there have been so many advocates of equity and not gold is simply because the fortune of many (Fund houses, Stock brokers) is correlated more with equity than Gold. Gold advertisement has always been passive as compared to equity.
Let’s relook this 5% to 8% allocation myth and need to think if allocation to be increased? As a investor one should look to the asset or investment product which is more suitable in mid to long term as an alternative to equity. In all probability there will be correction in Gold price as has appreciated phenomenally last 2 years but I am not saying to look for short term. May be after massive correction it can become an opportunity for investment with higher allocation.

Friday, October 11, 2019

I Call it A New Beginning!

In the midst of the festive season, we at Tejas Consultancy, wish you a very Happy Dussehra on this auspicious occasion.

On this day eons back, the Pandavas completed their exile and ventured for a new beginning. Well, India Inc.’s profitably too which was in an exile for the last few years is set to make a new beginning with the slew of measures that the Government has begun to undertake.
With the much needed fiscal push, India Inc. has got a shot in the arm as corporate earnings can now push higher due to the corporate tax cuts. The intent shown by the government will definitely increase confidence within India Inc. and shall lead to ‘A New Beginning!’.

On the global front, the slowdown has become much evident and corrective measures have already been taken by major economies and we believe more monetary and fiscal measures are to be followed. However, Brexit and US-China trade talks would be the key events to watch for, in the months ahead.

On the domestic front, the Indian government with the help of RBI are trying to bring back the economy on track. A direct tax code with a significant simplification and lowering of personal taxes will go a long way to boost the demand, triggered by likely increase in consumer spending. While these tax cuts will help in boost the private sector, a focused approach on NPA resolution and bank recapitalization are needed to kick start credit growth as well.

With the fiscal stimulus announcement, we have increased our allocation to 100% in equities in our Aggressive portfolio. In the Large Cap space, current valuations are reasonable if not cheap and any incremental returns will only come from earnings growth which is underway. As to the Mid & Small Cap Space, the price and time correction over the last 18 months have rendered them relatively cheap vis-à-vis Large Caps. In the past, whenever the relative performance or valuations of Mid & Small Caps have touched the bottom extreme of the Pattern, the journey ahead for them has been very fruitful.
In the Fixed Income space, RBI has announced a fourth consecutive rate cut, totaling a 135 bps reduction in 2019 and maintained its ‘accommodative stance’ with a dovish tone. Going forward, factors such as Inflation, crude oil prices, fiscal pressure, and global yields would drive the movement in interest rates.

We believe that the yield curve may steepen, due to the large increase in gross market borrowings in FY20 over FY19 along with low demand for government bonds due to excess SLR in the banking system. This could put upward pressure on yields at the longer end. Hence, we believe that exposure to debt markets should be taken through the short term to medium term debt funds with a high-quality portfolio.

As per My understanding we should add following schemes or add money if you already own this schemes. 

Mutual Fund Schemes 

3. IDFC Sterling Value Fund 
4. L&T Emerging Businesses Fund 
5. Motilal Oswal Multicap 35 Fund 
6. Nippon india Multicap Fund
7. Kotak Standard Multi-Cap Fund
8. Tata Equity P/E Fund 
9.  Edelweiss equity opportunities fund
10. Franklin india focused equity fund

Happy Investing!  
Thanks a lot for your time and allowing us to stay in touch with you. All of us at Tejas Consultancy are grateful for the opportunity.

Please Call us for any assistance you need for your Investment and Insurance needs.

Monday, September 10, 2018

Do You Need An Investment Advisor? Ask Yourself These 5 Questions

Do You Need An Investment Advisor? Ask Yourself These 5 Questions.

So you have money to invest, and are wondering if you need an investment advisor or can you do it yourself. The answer varies greatly on who you ask. If you ask an investment advisor, more than likely they will say you need an investment advisor (shocking I know). If you ask your DIY friend who plays the market and has doubled his money in 2 years (according to him), he'll say avoid the fees and do it yourself. As a Chartered Wealth Manager, I have the full authority to give you the absolute correct answer. You ready? The answer is this: It depends. You're welcome.

Ok, if you're looking for a little more clarification, let's start with defining your options:
Hire an investment advisor to manage your money: This is a financial professional who is paid to provide investment advice and management to their clients at a flat fee or % of assets they manage. 

Pros: Expert management of your portfolio, taking into account goals and cash needs. A partner to help you navigate complex financial situations, answer questions as they come up and may provide continuous comprehensive financial planning. Peace of mind knowing a professional is monitoring the market and your portfolio, and making needed changes. 
Cons: They charge a fee, which varies but 1% is a good estimate. And while most are ethical and skilled at what they do, you run the risk of hiring a substandard advisor. *Note: Throughout this article, I use both terms 'financial planner' and 'investment advisor'. There can be differences, but I am referring to an advisor who provides comprehensive financial and investment advice (Not confused enough? See the SEBI guidelines for more). 

Manage your own money: More and more people are doing this because of easy access to financial information, online brokers and low fee market index funds.
Pros: Save on investment advisor fees. Enjoyment of managing money and learning about finance (if you like that sort of thing). Freedom to make your own decisions. 
Cons: More than likely your portfolio will not beat that of a professional.  You may not allocate appropriately, meaning your portfolio isn't prepared for market fluctuations. Or worse, you could make very expensive mistakes, such as pay high hidden fees elsewhere, miss tax savings or make poor investment choices.
Hourly consultation: Meet with a financial planner who charges by the hour, and get a financial plan that includes investment recommendations. You pay them a fee and implement the recommendations. Meet with them once a year to evaluate the portfolio and address any needed changes. 

Pros:Professional advice, with lower fees. 
Cons: You are still responsible for 'managing' your money and making financial decisions in between checkups.

Determining which of these options are best for you depends on your goals, needs, knowledge and current financial situation. I am a Chartered Wealth Manager, so I lean towards comprehensive financial management. But there are certainly people who are well suited to manage their own money. To decide which is right for you, ask yourself these five questions:

1-How complicated are your finances? 
Are you young, single and simply looking for straightforward investment advice for your Investment? Or are you dealing with more complex matters such as inherited stock, Mutual Fund Scheme Selection and retirement distribution strategies? Do you expect your situation to get more complicated with the birth of a child, divorce or illness? The more complex, the more need for a professional investment advisor.

2-How much money do you have to invest? 
With more wealth comes more investment options and complexity, and a greater need for an investment advisor. If you have a small portfolio, you won't want to spread it too thin across multiple assets, and probably won't want to allocate a % to fees; you may be a prime candidate for index fund investing, on your own or with the help of an financial planner.

3-Do you need comprehensive financial Management?  
Need someone you can call from the dealership to talk you out of buying the Range Rover instead of the agreed upon Hyundai? 
Want advice on what type of life insurance you need, or if you should deposit your bonus into your Fixed Deposits or Mutual Funds? 
What about if the market crashes? Can you fight the urge to panic and sell everything if your portfolio lost half it's value? 
This is when a professional is a huge asset. If you need a financial partner who will provide comprehensive financial assistance in all areas and at all times, then the fee is absolutely worth it. If you all you want is to invest a little cash in the Equity and see what happens, then go try it yourself.

4-What are your expectations? 
If an investment advisor tells you they have the secret to beating the market, you will probably be disappointed. The efficient market hypothesis (EMH) is an investment theory that states it is impossible to "beat the market" because stock market efficiency causes existing share prices to always incorporate and reflect all relevant information. Few investors, professional or amateur, can consistently outperform the stock market averages. That being said, a good advisor will more than likely get better returns over time than an amateur. Just don't expect your money to double overnight.

5-What's your level of sophistication and interest? 
You have to have a basic understanding of finances and the market to be your own money manager (or be willing to learn). It's also important that you enjoy it, because you will have to spend a lot of time on your portfolio. So be realistic here.

I am an independent investment manager earning fees thru trail from mutual fund Company and Brokerage from Investment Products and Insurance. I am a Chartered Wealth Manager specializing in Investment Management for families. I decided to go into Investment advisory since 1989, In addition to my CWM(R), all of my family Members are committed to Investment management business since 1980. 

Our family's proprietary firm, Tejas Consultancy, has been providing money management and Investment advice since-1980. Our mission as an independent investment manager is to deliver objective and honest advice to our clients and serve as their Family Wealth Guardians. As a financial caretaker, we foster interaction and engagement with our entire client and their family members who seek to secure their wealth for generations. We strive to be recognised by our clients, employee and the communities we serve as a best-in-class investment manager.

What is the benefit of staying invested in the long term?

Invest for long term  – an advice routinely given by many Mutual Funds distributer like me, This is especially true in case of certain Mutua...